Monday, December 22, 2008

Short Term Goal Update.

ok, folks, as far as my short term goals goes, this is what i have come up with so far:

-NO soda (not even diet coke!) till i lose 30lbs. for those of you that know me know that this is a pretty big deal. but i'm going to to do it, so keep me in your prayers:)

-my sister kim suggested that on my way to doing a triathlon next year i should do a 5K with her in the spring. a couple years ago she participated in a 5k that is held every year called the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. it's set up for people of all ages and abilities to take part and help fund breast cancer research. she and i decided that we were going to train and get ourselves ready for it come next may 9th. while we were talking about it we decided to send out an email to my bother and sisters and their spouses to see if they would be interested in doing it along with us. much to our pleasure we got a number of them to commit to doing it with us. so, now i've got to figure out how to train for a 5k! again, keep me in your prayers!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Course Modification.

ok, so it's been about 17 days since my last post. i know, i suck. BUT, i haven't forgotten about this blog and my responsibility to all my readers. (considering there are any left. and if you are still reading, THANK YOU!) so, why have i been slacking on this blog? well, i'm not one to make excuses so let's just leave it at that i didn't get it done and go on.

i've realized that one major flaw in my plan for reaching my goals next year is this: they are the only goals i have. i know that most of you reading this are a lot smarter than me and have probably been wondering why i have only set two long-term goals and why i haven't been setting more short-term goals to help me reach them. i realized this earlier today and i haven't taken the time yet to set think out and set any short-term goals. if anyone has some good ideas, please feel free to let me know. i'm always up for input. as i've thought about it though i think that some of the easiest, most quantifiable goals would be weight loss goals. now like i said in an earlier post it's not my main focus to lose weight, but i'm tossing around the idea as using it as one of my short-term goals to help me on my way. also, i haven't put myself on any particular eating program, maybe i could set some goals for that? or maybe some lifting or work on getting faster times running? i just don't know yet. but as soon as i do i'll throw them up here for all to see.

you know, i'm actually really excited to have goals that i can work on and reach within a much shorter amount of time instead of waiting almost a year to see if i make it to my ultimate goals. it feels good to know that i'm actually going to be getting in shape and being healthy. in the past i've always just thought of it as something that would be nice to do someday, and left it at that. but now that i'm committed and i know i'm going to do it, it feels GREAT!

and by the way, i am still looking for someone to go running/swimming/biking with. (and don't worry, i wont out run you when we go, trust me :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

The "Lighter" Side of Las Vegas

i started writing this blog and as i was rereading it i realized it was a pretty boring narration of my trip down to las vegas last week. i didn't really feel like posting a huge travel log because that's not the focus of this blog. (if you want to know all that happened then you should take me out to lunch some time and i'll fill you in on all the fun things we got to do.) i do, however, want to let everyone know that even though we were down in vegas over thanksgiving break eating like kings, i still came home 2.5lbs lighter than when i left! now, contrary to popular belief, it is NOT because i lost 2.5lbs of money in the slot machines. (on the contrary i actually won 200 bucks, thank you very much.) luck for me i'd been fighting a small stomach flu that kept things moving "smoothly" for about a week and so all that came in, more or less, went straight through me. i'd say that that was one of the things that i was most grateful for on thanksgiving. i was able to eat whatever i wanted, and i did, and not have any consequences from it. how many of you had that luxury over the holiday?

one down side of the break is that i haven't been to they gym in almost a week:( it's been nice to give my body a good break after all the working out i've been doing, but i'm starting to really get the urges to get back and start working out again. i like that my body is starting to get used to the workouts and actually craves them. it makes getting up and going that much easier.