Monday, December 22, 2008

Short Term Goal Update.

ok, folks, as far as my short term goals goes, this is what i have come up with so far:

-NO soda (not even diet coke!) till i lose 30lbs. for those of you that know me know that this is a pretty big deal. but i'm going to to do it, so keep me in your prayers:)

-my sister kim suggested that on my way to doing a triathlon next year i should do a 5K with her in the spring. a couple years ago she participated in a 5k that is held every year called the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. it's set up for people of all ages and abilities to take part and help fund breast cancer research. she and i decided that we were going to train and get ourselves ready for it come next may 9th. while we were talking about it we decided to send out an email to my bother and sisters and their spouses to see if they would be interested in doing it along with us. much to our pleasure we got a number of them to commit to doing it with us. so, now i've got to figure out how to train for a 5k! again, keep me in your prayers!


--jeff * said...

the 5k is a great idea.

as for the "no diet coke", i'll help you.

Jaime said...

how's your no soda goal going?